About Me

Thank you for taking the time to check me out via my website.
Lee Spelzini
My passions are people, personal development, motorcycle racing and motorcycling, Martial Arts. Having fun learning by sharing experiences and coaching.

I have been interested in personal development and freedom for myself and others since early 2000, and actively practising and enjoying the journey and results since 2001.

By freedom, I mean the freedom or choice to grow using the most up to date but proved to be successful ideas, skills, techniques, beliefs and communications – both with ones self (internally) and others.

For those interested to know, I have trained and continue to train with the worlds most respected and skilled people. This includes :

Richard Bandler, Mark Hayley, Paul McKenna, Eric Robbie, Jamie Smart, Michael Breen, Jonathan Altfeld, John Plester and Joy Gower.

It is still a thrill and amazing to “work” with people or “clients” as they are often referred to, and continue to share, learn and develop on a daily basis.
Lee Spelzini
My Qualifications:

– Diploma In Hypnotherapy (10 month course, independently verified by NCFE)
– Fully Licensed Member of National Council for Hypnotherapy since April 2007

NLP – All certified by The Society of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (SNLP)
– Practitioner
– Master Practitioner
– Hypnosis as an Application of NLP

– Advanced NLP Therapeutic Specialist

– Attending as an Assistant or guest on various other related courses with World Class trainers.
– Ongoing mentoring/coaching and training and personal development in latest proven skills and techniques.

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