Hypnosis comes from the Greek word hyp-nos (“to sleep”), but I think in real terms it can be described as a day dream or trance state, of narrowed attention which is accompanied by profound relaxation.
What people find surprising is that we all go into trances states every day, such as reading one minute “lost” in a world on your own and the next, [so that] when someone waves in front of you, you find yourself jumping and becoming suddenly aware of where you in the physical world and return to a “normal” trance state.
When in our normal waking state our brains function predominantly in the “left brain mode”. As we begin to relax the left side of our brain (the conscious analytical side) relaxes and allows the right side (the creative part) to absorb new information.
If this information is of benefit it will be utilised.
That is why logical reasoning about a concern has no effect on us. Even though we know we should not be concerned, it never seems to stop those concerns or anxious feelings we have. In a waking state, logical reasoning does not get through to the part of our unconscious mind where we process feelings, but by giving congruent positive suggestions at the unconscious level (the right brain) we are much more able to change our feelings and behaviours.
There is no “right” or “wrong” way to go into a trance and contrary to popular belief a deep state of trance is not required as a light “in conversation” trance can can bring about many changes .
Hypnotherapy allows the client to relax and feel comfortable in their mind and body, completely at ease. The part of your mind used to being analytical and logical, the conscious mind, is bypassed, and so the required change(s) can occur.